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name: "Smith, Hamilton"   project: "Saint John's Church and Campanile" "Saint John's Abbey and University Complex"    language: "English"    repository: "Syracuse University"   
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Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect)


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

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Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect)



Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect) Hedrich, Bill (Photographer) Hedrich-Blessing Photographers (Photographer)


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect) Hedrich, Bill (Photographer) Hedrich-Blessing Photographers (Photographer)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect) Hedrich, Bill (Photographer) Hedrich-Blessing Photographers (Photographer)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect) Koyama, Shin (Photographer)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect) Koyama, Shin (Photographer)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect) Koyama, Shin (Photographer)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile

Click to select: Photograph

Breuer, Marcel, Lajos (Architect) Smith, Hamilton, P. (Associated architect) Koyama, Shin (Photographer)

1953 1961


Saint John's Abbey and University Complex

Saint John's Church and Campanile